Eikasia – Un viaje con Barbara + Marco [Secret Lovers Records]

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 1 minutos

Listening to EIKASIA is like looking at the surface of water– as light touches it, colors reflect and refract, shimmering as it’s in motion. The curation of songs creates the sensation of looking through a mystical kaleidoscope, where one hears the colors shifting rather than seeing them. Frequencies and notes are interwoven into auditory textures. Morphing, ebbing, flowing, expanding, and retracting with every twist. Each song pulls the listener closer, guiding them through a journey of consciousness and rhapsody.

Barbara Gogan’s guitar and vocals serve as the steadfast guide in this tale, while Marco Dianese’s sound design and assembly create an environment of rich, sonic landscapes in continuous transformation. With the alliances of collaborating guest artists, energies manifest in an audio womb that blooms with visceral soundscapes and textures.

For more information or to download EIKASIA visit:



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